Natalia Moderc Wahlström

Natalia Moderc Wahlström (Buenos Aires) has a degree in Business Administration and a Public Accountant.

Because of a job opportunity, she moved to Windsor, England, where she worked, raised her family, and took courses in design, creative writing, and photography.

I have started writing in the last five years. More than out of necessity, it was out of curiosity. Several times I had been told that I was doing well. I enrolled in a creative writing course and realized that I liked writing and that I could easily express myself in writing.

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Natalia Moderc Wahlström

Natalia Moderc Wahlström (Buenos Aires) has a degree in Business Administration and Public Accounting.

She moved to Windsor, England for a job opportunity where she worked, raised her family, and took courses in design, creative writing, and photography.

Throughout the last few years, she has taken up an interest in writing inspired and encouraged by past employers and mentors’ feedback on her skill. Following this Natalia enrolled in a creative writing course and realised her love for writing and how easily she could express herself through her work.

Published Books
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Published Books

The heiress to the five suns (spanish)

She’s still missing (spanish)

The heiress to the five suns (english)

She’s still missing (english)

I jumped to my feet and headed for the entrance. Outside in the shadows of the trees, I thought I saw a figure...


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The absent daughter (spanish)

The heiress to the five suns (english)

The heiress to the five suns (spanish)

La hija ausente (ingles)

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